Wednesday 17 May 2017

8 Amazing Benefits Of Almonds For Hair

01. Strengthen & Nourish Hair

Almonds contain hair-friendly nutrients like polyunsaturated and mono fatty acids as well as vitamin A, D, B1, B2, and B6. These nutrients penetrate into the hair strands and make the hair healthy and beautiful. The combination of fatty acids and fats in almond softens, strengthens and nourishes the hair.

02. Promote Hair Growth

Almonds contain high amount of magnesium, which is an essential mineral for having healthy strands. Deficiency in magnesium is often linked to hair loss; therefore, consuming magnesium through almonds not only helps to maintain proper functioning of the body but also enables hair growth.

03. Treat Dandruff

Suffering from dandruff problem? Mix almond oil and neem oil in equal quantities and massage it onto your scalp. Leave it overnight and then wash it off the next morning to get rid of dandruff. Almond oil nourishes and moisturizes the scalp to remove flakiness, while neem oil’s antibacterial properties treat dandruff and inflammation.

04. Reduce Hairfall

Massage your scalp with almond oil mixed with rosemary and lavender essential oils to reduce hair fall. Apply a few drops of oil on the roots of the hair and massage your scalp in circular motions. Leave it on for 2 hours and then shampoo as usual.

05. For Thick & Long Hair

Combine 3 tablespoons of almond oil with 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 1 hibiscus flower. Heat it for a while and leave it aside to let it cool. Massage your scalp with it for 10 minutes. Wrap your head with a towel and allow it to sit for an hour. Then wash it off with shampoo, and condition your hair. Apply this every week to get thick and long hair

06. To Control Frizzy Hair

Take a few drops of almond oil and apply it lightly over the hair. Vitamin E in almond oil conditions the hair follicles and smoothes uncontrollable frizz without making the hair greasy.

07. For Soft & Silky Hair

To get silky soft hair, mix henna powder with water, an egg and 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil and leave it overnight. Apply it on the hair and leave it on for 4 hours. Wash it off and dry your hair. This will make your hair soft and silky and give it a red tint.

08. Treat Scalp Inflammation

Regular exposure to dust, heat, pollution and application of hair styling products like hair gel and styling tools takes a toll on our hair, leaving it damaged and brittle. Almond oil penetrates deep into the hair shaft and softens scalp tissue to treat scalp inflammation.

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